Is a cheddar with pickled onions, and chives and another product from Tomos Watkins; their Cwru Braf which translates to Lovely Beer. Perfect with any Ploughman’s lunch it stops your pickled onions from rolling off your plate. Blaenafon’s onions are soaked in vinegar and then just stirred into the cheese giving it a lovely crunchy bite. Sealed in a striped yellow and black wax.
blaenafon cymru crunch (v)
Blaenafon is a specialist cheddar cheese company based in the World Heritage site of Blaenafon, South Wales. All of their cheeses are handmade and are free from any artificial preservatives or colourings. They are all suitable for Vegetarians and are coloured in a bright wax coating to give a long natural shelf life of 5 months if they are stored correctly between +0 to +5 *C.
The labels on the cheeses depict scenes from the town’s industrial past.
Weight | 150 g |
Collection from to^st only.
Shop address: 20 Charles Street, Wrexham, United Kingdom LL13 8BT
Open: Tuesday to Saturday 10:00 to 16:00